Landscape Design & Detailed Design
From project inception to detailed design stage, we understand the importance of each stage of the design process. Our landscape proposals build upon the concept for the project while considering the detailed requirements of the strategy for the site. We collaborate with local planning authorities, the drainage engineer, ecologist and also consult with members of the public.
The landscape proposals are presented in a series of coordinated landscape strategies for planning applications, illustrating the proposals for features such as soft landscape, hard landscape, play and rain gardens.
During detailed design, we prepare proposals including construction stage detailing, planting plants and tender packs.
We also provide landscape input to SAB applications for our Wales based projects.
How can we help?
- Design codes and design statements
- Landscape masterplans
- Public realm strategies
- Planting proposals
- Open space and play strategies
- Community stakeholder engagement and community exhibitions
- Landscape Masterplans
- Landscape Management Plans
- Landscape and Ecology Management Plans (LEMP)
- Landscape Design for Reserved Matters Applications
- Landscape Design to Discharge Planning Conditions
- Input to SAB Submissions
- Tender Documentation
- NBS Specifications