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Our early involvement in the design process allows us to maximise the landscape potential of any development. Whether we are providing landscape design advice or preparing a landscape and visual assessment, our desk study and site appraisal is the first stage of our development.

We are engaged early to help with feasibility studies and advise on ways to address project constraints and realise opportunities. We provide sketch designs, appraisals and help to develop a vision for the project through collaboration with the design team. The concept designs are used for early engagement with the public and local planning authorities.

We prepare concept proposals for landscape schemes relating to urban and rural sites across different sectors. We consider existing and proposed green infrastructure, enhancement proposals for biodiversity, sustainable drainage and connectivity for people and nature.

How can we help?

  • Site survey and feasibility
  • Constraints and opportunities
  • Vision and concept
  • Sketch proposals
  • Local Development Plan Candidate Sites